LVASK invites to  the Baltic States main specialized German Shepherd Dog Show and Breed Survay (Korung).


Show will take place from October 15 to 16 in Bauska City stadium, Pilskalna street 26, Bauska.

Show will happen with the award of the BALT VA title.

Show judges: 

Harald Hohmann (Germany, SV) – males, 15. and 16.10.2022., breed survay.

Marco Oßmann (Germany, SV) – females, 15.10.2022. 

Helpers : Frank Hildebrand (SV), Marco Hinz  (SV)


BREED SURVAY   14.10.2022. Friday

Place: Krogsila apmācību laukums. Google maps text for navigation: “Suņu tenniņu laukums. Lapmežu iela, Krogsils, Ķekavas pagasts, LV-2111”


EXPERT: H.Hohmann, HELPER: J.Grīnfelds

SHOW at 15.10.2022. Saturday.

Judges : H.Hohmann un M.Oßmann

TSB tryout

TSB test for working classes

Progeny groups

Junior classes, Jung dogs, Veterans

Working classes

Breeders competition.

SHOW at 16.10.2022. Sunday.

Judge : H.Hohmann

Puppy’s classes,

Open classes


Registration to breed survay has expired

Place: Krogsila apmācību laukums. Google maps text for navigation: “Suņu tenniņu laukums. Lapmežu iela, Krogsils, Ķekavas pagasts, LV-2111”

Breed survey – 40,00 Euro LVASK members and other LKF club members/ 50,00 Euro – Other FCI organization members

Payment information:

Recipient: LVASK
Registration no. 40008067345
Address: Zvejnieku iela 12, Vimbukrogs, Ķekavas pagasts, Ķekavas novads, LV-2123
Account no.: LV69HABA0551020311642
Bank’s SWIFT code: HABALV22

Following documents should be submitted for breed survey:

  1. Pedigree original
  2. Training certificates
  3. HD/ED certificate
  4. 1 certificates of dog shows
  5. Previous certificate of survey/korung, if applicable.

Registration to show has expired.

Cost of participation:

Cost of participation (if registered/paid online) LVASK members and other LKF club members Other FCI organization members
Registration till 30.09.2022. Registration till 30.095.2022.
Puppy class (4-12) 25,00 EUR 30,00 EUR
Veteran class (8+ years) 0,00 EUR/25,00 EUR 30,00 EUR
Junior class (12-18), Young dogs (18-24) 35,00 EUR 45,00 EUR
Open class (from 24 ),Working class 40,00 EUR 50,00 EUR
Extra registration till 09.10.2022. 80,00 EUR 80,00EUR

Payment information:

Recipient: LVASK
Registration no. 40008067345
Address: Zvejnieku iela 12, Vimbukrogs, Ķekavas pagasts, Ķekavas novads, LV-2123
Account no.: LV69HABA0551020311642
Bank’s SWIFT code: HABALV22

* The original documentation of the dog’s pedigree must be shown upon request of judge or organizers at any time on any day of the show.
* For all dogs registered in working classes the following additional documents must be provided:

  • Training and HD/ED certificate (A,B/0,1).
  • Breed Survey certificate for dogs older than 3,5 years.

The rules of applying evaluation „BALT Excellent” (BALT VA) in Baltic Sieger.

This evaluation can be given in working class both for males and females upon judges opinion if the dog has met all the criteria mentioned below:

  • Dog has reached the age of at least two years;
  • Dog fully meets the following criteria:
    • Has successfully finished FCI training – at least „IPO 1/IGP1 ” or similar;
    • Has passed breed survey;
    • Has full teeth formula;
    • Has DNA result;
    • In protection work should get evaluation “expressingly releases”;

All participants of event must follow the rules of LKF’s „Show participant code of ethics”. In situations the rules are broken/abused, the participant is penalized in the procedure set out in the aforementioned rules.

Schedule of the show is a subject to change by the show organizers. Updated information will be provided if this occurs.

The show is supported by:


Contacts: LVASK (Latvian German Shepherd Club) 

 Inese Mellupe, mob., +371 29461377,