Competition / exam entry formDate *Registration to CompetitionExamRegistration to *ADBHPDIGP1IGP1-AIGP1-BIGP1-CIGP2IGP2-AIGP2-BIGP3IGP3-AIGP3-BIGP3-CIGP-FHTSBDog name *Date of birth *Pedegree Nr. Microchip Nr. or Tattoo *Sex *malefemaleBreed Training degree(-s) Owner Handler *Phone Nr. Е-mail *File Upload file extensions png. jpg. gif.pdf.File Upload file extensions png. jpg. gif.pdf.File Upload file extensions png. jpg. gif.pdf.Privacy policy *I agree to send my personal information (name, surname, country, dog’s name) to Latvian German Shepherd club for the purpose of registering myself for the dog event and in the post-event results information. VerificationPlease enter any two digits with no spaces (Example: 15) *This box is for spam protection - please leave it blank: