Best in show goes to our club’s dog

Saturday, ŖETO WINNER 2019″

Boss Solo Rigoletto (Perry von Regina Pacis & Fiji Solo Rigoletto), own.O.Magone – BOB, BIG2.

Sunday, “RETO TROPHY 2019”

Jared Kircholm Blum  (Fritz von Oasis & Ember Kircholm Blum) – excellent.

Darro Lindenspring  (Jimmy Solo Rigoletto & Demetra Kircholm Blum) – excellent.

Hasper Kircholm Blum  (Margman Ylandos & Corsica Kircholm Blum) – CQ, CAC, third best male.

Hanna Kircholm Blum  (Margman Ylandos & Corsica Kircholm Blum) – CQ, second best female.

 Gretta Kircholm Blum (Margman Ylandos & Brazlia Kirchholm Blum), own. L.Puķe – BOB, BIG5.



At the Breeders competition kennel  KIRCHOLM BLUM – third place.






This time the biggest achievement was the Sunday show “RETO Trophy’2019”, where German shepherd dog triumphed at the Best in show. Longhaired German Shepherd Dog for the first time in the Latvian show’s history  became the Best in Show!

LVASK says thanks to all participants, because the support of other breeds owners was very important and helped Boss to win. It was great to see, as Boss literally flew for own prize …


Thanks to club “RETO”  for the great show and of course special thanks to judges Zaza Omarov (Georgia) and Natalia Mestvirishvili (Georgia) for Your trust to German Shepherd dogs!